The Agency expands its operations in the foodservice sector. It also enters the cafe`/bar business concept through the acquisition of a business that supplies juice and coffee through dispensing machines.
Late 1980s
Importation increased with the introduction of world renown brands such as Sorini confectionery products (which are sold at Christmas and Easter), Danepak canned meats, Coroli cooking oils and Mornflake oat cereals.
Early 1980s
The company launches its first own-label product, ‘X-tra’. In fact, X-tra Corned Beef was the first own-label product and very popular with Maltese consumers. Today, X-Tra is one of the most popular own-label brands on the market, representing a variety of products from tinned goods to noodles and salamis.
The Riley’s snacks range continues to grow with the addition of popular products like Bacon Snax, French Fries and Party Time.
The business moves to a terraced building in Bulebel where it begins the production of ice cream wafers and wafer creams.
The Agency also launches the Regal biscuit range with favourites like Fig Rolls, Nice, Fully Coated Coconut Rings, Digestives, Shortbread, Jaffa Rounds, Nociotella, Creams. More were to be launched over the next two years.
This prompted Peter Muscat Scerri into a joint venture with Riley Potato Crisps of Scunthorp, UK which had recently purchased the Tayto Sales organisation in the UK. Peter Muscat Scerri began to produce snack foods from a small, converted army barracks in Corradino. Despite a sluggish start to the business, it quickly flourished with an aggressive ‘surprise toy inside’ in-pack promotion campaign.
The Government of Malta introduces an import/substitution trade policy to protect local industry, preventing the Rimus Trading Agency from importing Tayto Snax because a similar product was being produced locally.
His risk pays off and by 1966, the business concept has changed as he diversifies into food importation and distribution. Early products were Stabburette Meat Balls from Norway, Zendyk ham and chopped ham and pork from the UK, blue cheese from Denmark and mackerel from South Africa. Elkes biscuits and Snax snack food from Tato Ltd. were to follow shortly afterwards.
The Agency experiences strong sales growth in all areas, particularly the retail sector.
Ownership of the company moves to the next generation of the family.
Rimus Trading Agency Ltd expanded its trading operations to include frozen products
The company expands its operations into the importation and distribution of chilled products such as salami, cheddar, edam and other bulk cheeses.
In the late 1990s Mornflake Chocolatey Squares is launched, becoming a favourite with children and grown-ups alike.
Peter Muscat Scerri founded the Rimus Group by venturing into the importation of household products in Malta. Working as a civil servant and a part time salesman, he invested all his savings – Lm25 (58 Euro) – to begin importing floor cleaning mops from the UK.